Imagine a space where people with disabilities can communicate and interact effortlessly, as naturally as breathing... imagine this place is your home...
​The house is mine again
Our interactions with society are closely related to the relationship between technology and our senses - what we can see, hear, speak and touch.
Artificial intelligence (AI), through IoT and wearable devices, provides the tools to overcome the communicative limitations of disability.
"Disability is not just a health problem. It is a complex phenomenon, reflecting the interaction between the characteristics of a person's body and those of the society in which he or she lives."
- Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità
"Disability occurs when the interaction between individuals and society breaks down. This breakdown leads to physical, cognitive and social exclusion as a result of mismatched interactions."
- Federico Richard Villa
Home4MeAi is a project designed to assist people with sensory disabilities. Using a range of technologies, including artificial intelligence and IoT devices, we strive to restore people with hearing, visual and language disabilities to their home environment and to live more serenely.
We are an assistive technology company .
Our hardware and software are designed for use by people with congenital or chronic disabilities, as well as people with temporary or situational disabilities. Our goal is to improve people's quality of life, autonomy, integration, and social participation.
Four senses, four products
These are the four fields in which we operate and do research: Hear4Me, Speak4Me, See4Me, Touch4Me.
It is a speech transcription product that uses several services, including artificial intelligence, to convert speech to text.
Transcribing audio into text not only allows deaf and hard of hearing people to interact, communicate, and participate in discussions, but also enables inclusive communication without requiring anyone to change their language (such as using sign language or lip-reading).
..coming soon.
..coming soon.
..coming soon.
Our technology
Home4MeAi uses existing market solutions: industrial IoT devices, a proprietary Web API, and various artificial intelligence services from leading technology companies.
IoT devices
We use industrial IoT devices .
Modern Web API
A proprietary Web API orchestrates communication and makes the functionality of AI services accessible.
AI services
We use the latest artificial intelligence services provided by major players-Google, Azure and AWS.